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Linting, Formatting, and Type Checking Commits in an Nx Monorepo with Husky and lint-staged

One way to keep your codebase clean is to enforce linting, formatting, and type checking on every commit. This is made very easy with pre-commit hooks. Using Husky, you can run arbitrary commands before a commit is made. This can be combined with lint-staged, which allows you to run commands on only the files that have been staged for commit. This is useful because you don't want to run linting, formatting, and type checking on every file in your project, but only on the ones that have been changed.

But if you're using an Nx monorepo for your project, things can get a little more complicated. Rather than have you use eslint or prettier directly, Nx has its own scripts for linting and formatting. And type checking is complicated by the use of specific tsconfig.json files for each app or library. Setting up pre-commit hooks with Nx isn't as straightforward as in a simpler repository.

This guide will show you how to set up pre-commit hooks to run linting, formatting, and type checking in an Nx monorepo.

Configure Formatting

Nx comes with a command, nx format:write for applying formatting to affected files which we can give directly to lint-staged. This command uses Prettier under the hood, so it will abide by whatever rules you have in your root-level .prettierrc file. Just install Prettier, and add your preferred configuration.

npm install --save-dev prettier

Then add a .prettierrc file to the root of your project with your preferred configuration. For example, if you want to use single quotes and trailing commas, you can add the following:

    "singleQuote": true,
    "trailingComma": "all"

Configure Linting

Nx has its own plugin that uses ESLint to lint projects in your monorepo. It also has a plugin with sensible ESLint defaults for your linter commands to use, including ones specific to Nx. To install them, run the following command:

npm i --save-dev @nrwl/linter @nrwl/eslint-plugin-nx

Then, we can create a default .eslintrc.json file in the root of our project:

  "root": true,
  "ignorePatterns": ["**/*"],
  "plugins": ["@nrwl/nx"],
  "overrides": [
      "files": ["*.ts", "*.tsx", "*.js", "*.jsx"],
      "rules": {
        "@nrwl/nx/enforce-module-boundaries": [
            "enforceBuildableLibDependency": true,
            "allow": [],
            "depConstraints": [
                "sourceTag": "*",
                "onlyDependOnLibsWithTags": ["*"]
      "files": ["*.ts", "*.tsx"],
      "extends": ["plugin:@nrwl/nx/typescript"],
      "rules": {}
      "files": ["*.js", "*.jsx"],
      "extends": ["plugin:@nrwl/nx/javascript"],
      "rules": {}

The above ESLint configuration will, by default, apply Nx's module boundary rules to any TypeScript or JavaScript files in your project. It also applies its recommended rules for JavaScript and TypeScript respectively, and gives you room to add your own.

You can also have ESLint configurations specific to your apps and libraries. For example, if you have a React app, you can add a .eslintrc.json file to the root of your app directory with the following contents:

    "extends": ["plugin:@nrwl/nx/react", "../../.eslintrc.json"],
    "rules": {
        "no-console": ["error", { "allow": ["warn", "error"] }]

Set Up Type Checking

Type checking with tsc is normally a very straightforward process. You can just run tsc --noEmit to check your code for type errors. But things are more complicated in Nx with lint-staged.

There are a two tricky things about type checking with lint-staged in an Nx monorepo. First, different apps and libraries can have their own tsconfig.json files. When type checking each app or library, we need to make sure we're using that specific configuration. The second wrinkle comes from the fact that lint-staged passes a list of staged files to commands it runs by default. And tsc will only accept either a specific tsconfig file, or a list of files to check.

We do want to use the specific tsconfig.json files, and we also only want to run type checking against apps and libraries with changes. To do this, we're going to create some Nx run commands within our apps and libraries and run those instead of calling tsc directly.

Within each app or library you want type checked, open the project.json file, and add a new run command like this one:

    // ...
    "targets": {
        // ...
        "typecheck": {
      "executor": "nx:run-commands",
      "options": {
        "commands": ["tsc -p --noEmit"],
        "cwd": "apps/directory-of-your-app-goes-here",
        "forwardAllArgs": false

Inside commands is our type-checking command, using the local tsconfig.json file for that specific Nx app. The cwd option tells Nx where to run the command from. The forwardAllArgs option tells Nx to ignore any arguments passed to the command. This is important because tsc will fail if you pass both a tsconfig.json and a list of files from lint-staged.

Now if we ran nx affected --target=typecheck from the command line, we would be able to type check all affected apps and libraries that have a typecheck target in their project.json. Next we'll have lint-staged handle this for us.

Installing Husky and lint-staged

Finally, we'll install and configure Husky and lint-staged. These are the two packages that will allow us to run commands on staged files before a commit is made.

npm install --save-dev husky lint-staged

In your package.json file, add the prepare script to run Husky's install command:

    "scripts": {
        "prepare": "husky install"

Then, run your prepare script to set up git hooks in your repository. This will create a .husky directory in your project root with the necessary file system permissions.

npm run prepare

The next step is to create our pre-commit hook. We can do this from the command line:

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged --concurrent false --relative"

It's important to use Husky's CLI to create our hooks, because it handles file system permissions for us. Creating files manually could cause problems when we actually want to use the git hooks. After running the command, we will now have a file at .husky/pre-commit that looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

npx lint-staged --concurrent false --relative

Now whenever we try to commit, Husky will run the lint-staged command. We've given it some extra options. First, --concurrent false to make sure attempts to write fixes with formatting and linting don't conflict with simultaneous attempts at type checking. Second is --relative, because our Nx commands for formatting and linting expect a list of file paths relative to the repo root, but lint-staged would otherwise pass the full path by default.

We've got our pre-commit command ready, but we haven't actually configured lint-staged yet. Let's do that next.

Configuring lint-staged

In a simpler repository, it would be easy to add some lint-staged configuration to our package.json file. But because we're trying to check a complex monorepo in Nx, we need to add a separate configuration file. We'll call it lint-staged.config.js and put it in the root of our project.

Here is what our configuration file will look like:

module.exports = {
  '{apps,libs,tools}/**/*.{ts,tsx}': files => {
    return `nx affected --target=typecheck --files=${files.join(',')}`;
  '{apps,libs,tools}/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx,json}': [
    files => `nx affected:lint --files=${files.join(',')}`,
    files => `nx format:write --files=${files.join(',')}`,

Within our module.exports object, we've defined two globs: one that will match any TypeScript files in our apps, libraries, and tools directories, and another that also matches JavaScript and JSON files in those directories. We only need to run type checking for the TypeScript files, which is why that one is broken out and narrowed down to only those files.

These globs defining our directories can be passed a single command, or an array of commands. It's common with lint-staged to just pass a string like tsc --noEmit or eslint --fix. But we're going to pass a function instead to combine the list of files provided by lint-staged with the desired Nx commands.

The nx affected and nx format:write commands both accept a --files option. And remember that lint-staged always passes in a list of staged files. That array of file paths becomes the argument to our functions, and we concatenate our list of files from lint-staged into a comma-delimitted string and interpolate that into the desired Nx command's --files option. This will override Nx's normal behavior to explicitly tell it to only run the commands on the files that have changed and any other files affected by those changes.

Testing It Out

Now that we've got everything set up, let's try it out. Make a change to a TypeScript file in one of your apps or libraries. Then try to commit that change. You should see the following in your terminal as lint-staged runs:

Preparing lint-staged...
Running tasks for staged files...
            nx affected --target=typecheck --files=apps/your-app/file-you-changed.ts
            nx affected:lint --files=apps/your-app/file-you-changed.ts
            nx format:write --files=apps/your-app/file-you-changed.ts
Applying modifications from tasks...
Cleaning up your temporary files...

Now, whenever you try to commit changes to files that match the globs defined in lint-staged.config.js, the defined commands will run first, and verify that the files contain no type errors, linting errors, or formatting errors. If any of those commands fail, the commit will be aborted, and you'll have to fix the errors before you can commit.


We've now set up a monorepo with Nx and configured it to run type checking, linting, and formatting on staged files before a commit is made. This will help us catch errors before they make it into our codebase, and it will also help us keep our codebase consistent and readable. To see an example Nx monorepo with these configurations, check out this repo.

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Setting Up TypeORM Migrations in an Nx/NestJS Project

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JavaScript Errors: An Introductory Primer

JavaScript Errors are an integral part of the language, and its runtime environment. They provide valuable feedback when something goes wrong during the execution of your script. And once you understand how to use and handle Errors, you'll find them a much better debugging tool than always reaching for console.log. Why Use Errors? When JavaScript throws errors, it's usually because there's a mistake in the code. For example, trying to access properties of null or undefined would throw a TypeError. Or trying to use a variable before it has been declared would throw a ReferenceError. But these can often be caught before execution by properly linting your code. More often, you'll want to create your own errors in your programs to catch problems unique to what you're trying to build. Throwing your own errors can make it easier for you to interrupt the control flow of your code when necessary conditions aren't met. Why would you want to use Error instead of just console.logging all sorts of things? Because an Error will force you to address it. JavaScript is optimistic. It will do its best to execute despite all sorts of issues in the code. Just logging some problem might not be enough to notice it. You could end up with subtle bugs in your program and not know! Using console.log won't stop your program from continuing to execute. An Error, however, interrupts your program. It tells JavaScript, "we can't proceed until we've fixed this problem". And then JavaScript happily passes the message on to you! Using Errors in JavaScript Here's an example of throwing an error: ` When an Error is thrown, nothing after that throw in your scope will be executed. JavaScript will instead pass the Error to the nearest error handler higher up in the call stack. If no handler is found, the program terminates. Since you probably don't want your programs to crash, it's important to set up Error handling. This is where something like try / catch comes in. Any code you write inside the try will attempt to execute. If an Error is thrown by anything inside the try, then the following catch block is where you can decide how to handle that Error. ` In the catch block, you receive an error object (by convention, this is usually named error or err, but you could give it any name) which you can then handle as needed. Asynchronous Code and Errors There are two ways to write asynchronous JavaScript, and they each have their own way of writing Error handling. If you're using async / await, you can use the try / catch block as in the previous example. However, if you're using Promises, you'll want to chain a catch to the Promise like so: ` Understanding the Error Object The Error object is a built-in object that JavaScript provides to handle runtime errors. All types of errors inherit from it. Error has several useful properties. - message: Probably the most useful of Error's properties, message is a human-readable description of the error. When creating a new Error, the string you pass will become the message. - name: A string representing the error type. By default, this is Error. If you're using a built-in sub-class of Error like TypeError, it will be that instead. Otherwise, if you're creating a custom type of Error, you'll need to set this in the constructor. - stack: While technically non-standard, stack is a widely supported property that gives a full stack trace of where the error was created. - cause: This property allows you to give more specific data when throwing an error. For example, if you want to add a more detailed message to a caught error, you could throw a new Error with your message and pass the original Error as the cause. Or you could add structured data for easier error analysis. Creating an Error object is quite straightforward: ` In addition to the generic Error, JavaScript provides several built-in sub-classes of Error: - EvalError: Thrown when a problem occurs with the eval() function. This only exists for backwards compatibility, and will not be thrown by JavaScript. You shouldn't use eval() anyway. - InternalError: Non-standard error thrown when something goes wrong in the internals of the JavaScript engine. Really only used in Firefox. - RangeError: Thrown when a value is not within the expected range. - ReferenceError: Thrown when a value doesn't exist yet / hasn't been initialized. - SyntaxError: Thrown when a parsing error occurs. - TypeError: Thrown when a variable is not of the expected type. - URIError: Thrown when using a global URI handling function incorrectly. Each of these error types inherits from the Error object and generally adds no additional properties or methods, but they do change the name property to reflect the error type. Making Your Own Custom Errors It's sometimes useful to extend the Error object yourself! This lets you add properties to particular Errors you throw, as well as easily check in catch blocks if an Error is of a particular type. To extend Error, use a class. ` In this example, CustomError extends the Error class. It changes the name to CustomError and gives it the new property foo: 'bar'. You can then throw your CustomError, check if the error in your catch block is an instance of the CustomError, and access the properties associated with your CustomError. This gives you a lot more control over how Errors are structured and validated, which could greatly aid with debugging because your errors won't all just be Errors. Common Confusions There are many ways that using Errors can go subtly wrong. Here are some of the common issues to keep in mind when working with Error. Failure to Catch When an Error is thrown, the program will cease executing anything else in its scope and start working its way back up the call stack until it finds a catch block to deal with the Error. If it never finds a catch, the program will crash. So it's important to make sure you actually catch your errors, or else you might terminate your program unintentionally for small and recoverable issues. It's especially helpful to think about catching errors when you're executing code from external libraries which you don't control. You may import a function to handle something for you, and it unexpectedly throws an Error. You should anticipate this possibility and ask yourself: "Should this code go inside of a try / catch block?" to prevent an error like this from crashing your code. Network Requests Don't Throw on 400 and 500 Statuses You might want to make a request to an API, and then handle an error if the request fails. ` Maybe you made a bad request and got back a 400. Maybe you're not properly authenticated and got a 401 or 403. Maybe the endpoint is invalid and you get a 404. Or maybe the server is having a bad day and you get a 500. In none of those cases will you get an Error! From JavaScript's point of view, your request worked. You sent some data to a place, and the place sent you something back. Mission accomplished! Except it's not. You need to deal with these HTTP error statuses. So if you want to handle responses that aren't OK, you need to do it explicitly. To fix the previous example: ` You Can Throw Anything You should throw new Errors. But you could throw 'literally anything'. There's nothing forcing you to only throw an Error. However, it's a lot harder to handle your errors if there's no consistency in what to expect in your catch blocks. It's a best practice to only throw an Error and not any other kind of JavaScript object. This problem becomes especially clear in TypeScript, when the default type of an error in a catch block is not Error, but unknown. TypeScript has no way to know if an error passed into the catch is going to actually be an Error or not, which can make it more frustrating to write error handling code. For this reason, it's often a good idea to check what exactly you've received before trying to handle it. ` (Alas, you cannot throw 🥳. That's a SyntaxError. But throw new Error('🥳') is still perfectly valid!) Conclusion Wielding JavaScript Errors is a big upgrade from console.logging all the things and hoping for the best. And it's not very hard to do it well! By using Error, your apps will be much more explicit in how you expect things to work, and how you expect things might not work. And when something does go wrong, you'll be more likely to notice and better equipped to figure out the problem....

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