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Tags:Dane Grant
An example-based guide to CSS Cascade Layers cover image

An example-based guide to CSS Cascade Layers

CSS Cascade Layers make style management simple—see how in this example-driven guide....

D1 SQLite: Writing queries with the D1 Client API cover image

D1 SQLite: Writing queries with the D1 Client API

Explore writing SQL queries using the D1 client library and its trade-offs vs ORM’s...

D1 SQLite: Schema, migrations and seeds cover image

D1 SQLite: Schema, migrations and seeds

Learn about Cloudflare D1, a distributed SQLite database for Cloudflare Workers, and the basics of setting up a new project without using an ORM....

Remix's evolution to a Vite plugin cover image

Remix's evolution to a Vite plugin

As Remix evolves into a Vite plugin, the story of React Router continues, promising exciting developments in the React Server Components era....

React Conf 2024 Review cover image

React Conf 2024 Review

A new era of React kicks off with groundbreaking announcements and innovations—catch up on all the highlights!...

The CSS / Utility hybrid approach with Tailwind v4 cover image

The CSS / Utility hybrid approach with Tailwind v4

The post concludes with a look at modern CSS and interesting hybrid utility patterns with the Tailwind v4 release...

Intro to EdgeDB - The 10x ORM cover image

Intro to EdgeDB - The 10x ORM

Discover the innovative capabilities of EdgeDB, a 'graph-relational' database that's transforming how we handle and interact with data....

End-to-end type-safety with JSON Schema cover image

End-to-end type-safety with JSON Schema

The article explores end-to-end type safety in JSON APIs using JSON Schema and TypeScript. It delves into methods such as generating types from schema definitions and utilizing TypeBox, data validation of serialized JSON data....

JSR - The cross-platform package manager for ESM cover image

JSR - The cross-platform package manager for ESM

Learn about JSR, a new package manager for the modern JS/TS ecosystem....

Level up your REST API's with JSON Schema cover image

Level up your REST API's with JSON Schema

Explore JSON Schema, a powerful tool for ensuring data consistency and interoperability in REST APIs....

Building interactive forms with TanStack Form cover image

Building interactive forms with TanStack Form

Discover the power of TanStack Form, a new headless form library that simplifies building complex, interactive forms....

Deploying apps and services to AWS using AWS Copilot CLI cover image

Deploying apps and services to AWS using AWS Copilot CLI

Learn how to leverage AWS Copilot CLI, a tool that abstracts the complexities of infrastructure management, making the deployment and management of containerized applications on AWS an easy process...

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