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These JavaScript Tools Make Collaboration and Deployment Easier with Jack Herrington cover image

These JavaScript Tools Make Collaboration and Deployment Easier with Jack Herrington

Join Jack Herrington and Tracy Lee at CascadiaJS 2024 as they talk about content creation, experimenting with new tools, and continuous learning. They cover some of the latest in what’s going on in the Vercel, Next.js, and Deno Deploy ecosystems, and what these teams are doing to enable easy deployment and better community collaboration. Tracy and Jack's discussion highlights the lack of educational resources on advanced web development topics. This scarcity poses an opportunity for developers who want to showcase their expertise in areas like app router and React server components. By actively engaging in knowledge sharing, developers can demonstrate their deep understanding of these complex concepts and set themselves apart from the competition. Jack emphasized Vercel's role in simplifying deployment with its easy commands and Next.js integration for seamless collaboration and performance. Next.js was highlighted for its advanced features and simplified development process, including efficient routing and SEO benefits. Deno Deploy, built on Deno, offers serverless deployment without traditional infrastructure management, focusing on code writing and scalability. Throughout, the importance of community and knowledge sharing in platforms like Vercel, Next.js, and Deno Deploy was underscored, enabling developers to share, receive feedback, and stay updated with advancements. Download this episode here....

The History of DivOps: The Tools that Led Us to Today cover image

The History of DivOps: The Tools that Led Us to Today

In this JS Drop, Jonathan Creamer, Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, shares key insights on the history of DivOPs tooling, starting in the days before advancements like Webpack bundles. Jonathan discusses the emergence of bundlers like Webpack and the role of Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) in modern web development. Bundlers have revolutionized code organization by allowing developers to modularize their code, enhancing maintainability and scalability. ASTs enable bundlers to efficiently analyze and transform code, optimizing the development process. In the early days of web development, developers had to manually order their scripts to ensure proper dependencies. However, the introduction of tools like AMD and RequireJS transformed the landscape by enabling modular code organization. This shift empowered developers to focus on writing modular code, making their projects more manageable and adaptable to changes. Efficient code management and build automation are vital aspects of modern web development. The podcast highlights the continuous innovation in build tools such as Grunt, Gulp, Vite, and Parcel. These tools automate repetitive tasks, optimize code, and streamline the development workflow, allowing developers to save valuable time and effort....

SSR Finally a First-Class Citizen in Angular? cover image

SSR Finally a First-Class Citizen in Angular?

What’s the state of Angular SSR? And what’s happened to @angular/universal? This article explains!...

Effortless App Building with and Next.js Training featuring Mark Shenouda cover image

Effortless App Building with and Next.js Training featuring Mark Shenouda

In this JS Drop training, Mark Shenouda covers the capabilities of by building a custom Next.js application. He explores the features and benefits of, highlighting its efficiency in generating interfaces, customizing UI elements, and simplifying deployment processes. allows users to build interfaces. The integration with Next.js is a game-changer, enabling the addition of new pages to projects with a single command. It efficiently generates different interface options, making it a valuable tool for both developers and non-developers. With, interactive layouts can be achieved without extensive coding knowledge, opening up new possibilities for app development. One of the standout features of is its ability to customize UI elements. The tool provides a range of options to tailor the user interface to specific requirements. Whether it's tweaking colors, fonts, or layouts, empowers developers to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. This flexibility ensures that the final product aligns with the desired aesthetic and enhances the overall user experience. seamlessly integrates with Next.js, a server rendering framework for React. This integration brings numerous benefits, including simplified deployment processes and enhanced performance. Next.js allows for server-side rendering, resulting in faster page loads and improved SEO. With, app development becomes more accessible and efficient, allowing for faster iterations and improved user experiences. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a non-technical individual looking to bring your app idea to life, is definitely worth exploring....

How to Develop a Vision Pro App using Angular with Nathan Walker cover image

How to Develop a Vision Pro App using Angular with Nathan Walker

In this training led by Nathan Walker, viewers are introduced to Angular app development for VisionPro. The session covers integrating 3D models, manipulating them with NeoScript Swift, and using USDZ files, with a focus on asset management and Swift packages for immersive experiences. Nathan also reviews integrating and manipulating 3D models using NeoScript Swift, enhancing Angular apps with interactive and visually appealing interfaces. The use of USDZ files added stunning 3D graphics, bringing apps to life. The training also explores the interaction between NativeScript views and Swift UI components, demonstrating the flexibility in app development. This integration allows developers to create dynamic user interfaces, combining the strengths of Angular and Swift UI for exceptional user experiences....

Angular 18 Announced: Zoneless Change Detection and More cover image

Angular 18 Announced: Zoneless Change Detection and More

Overview of new features in Angular 18...

Local-First Application Development is Back with Dev Agrawal cover image

Local-First Application Development is Back with Dev Agrawal

In a world where connectivity is often taken for granted, the concept of "local first" applications is gaining traction. In this episode of the Modern Web Podcast, Dev Agrawal sheds light on this innovative approach, which prioritizes user devices as the primary data source. By enabling offline access and user control, local-first apps are revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. Traditionally, applications have relied on server-centric models, where data is stored and managed on remote servers. However, local-first architecture flips this paradigm by placing user devices at the forefront. By doing so, these apps empower users with offline access and control over their data. One of the key advantages of local-first architecture is its ability to create personalized experiences. By leveraging the data stored on user devices, apps can tailor their functionality to individual preferences and needs. Moreover, local-first apps excel at synchronization, ensuring that data remains consistent across multiple devices. This seamless synchronization allows users to switch between devices effortlessly, without worrying about data loss or inconsistencies. Data ownership is a critical aspect of local-first applications. With the user's device holding the definitive data version, individuals have greater control over their information. This is particularly important in collaborative environments, where multiple users need to access and modify shared data. To address this, local-first apps employ Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs), which ensure that conflicts are resolved automatically and data integrity is maintained. By prioritizing data ownership and collaboration, local-first architecture fosters a more inclusive and efficient work environment. While local-first architecture offers numerous benefits, it is important to strike a balance between local and server data management. Certain data, such as large media files or complex computations, may still be better suited for server storage. Additionally, server-centric models can provide valuable backup and recovery options. As web development paradigms evolve, finding the right balance between local and server data management will be crucial in creating integrated user experiences and adaptable frameworks....

Vercel vs. VPS - What's the drama, and which one should you choose? cover image

Vercel vs. VPS - What's the drama, and which one should you choose?

A breakdown of the hosting options you have and when you should choose a cloud provider such as Vercel and when a VPS or a Linux server in your basement is just enough....

A Deep Dive into SvelteKit's Rendering Techniques cover image

A Deep Dive into SvelteKit's Rendering Techniques

SvelteKit is a meta-framework for Svelte that allows you to develop pages based on their content. At its core, SvelteKit introduces three fundamental strategies out of the box, each designed to streamline the development process and...

Intro to EdgeDB - The 10x ORM cover image

Intro to EdgeDB - The 10x ORM

Discover the innovative capabilities of EdgeDB, a 'graph-relational' database that's transforming how we handle and interact with data....

How to Make Coding Both Your Hobby and Profession with Jason Lengsdorf @ CityJS Conf 2024 cover image

How to Make Coding Both Your Hobby and Profession with Jason Lengsdorf @ CityJS Conf 2024

Join us backstage at CityJS Conf for this conversation with Jason Lengsdorf. In this discussion, we explore strategies for reducing stress and anxiety among engineers, ensuring they maintain relevance in the dynamic world of coding. Jason emphasizes the importance of self-assurance and the role of play in fostering continual engagement with evolving technologies. Moreover, we get a sneak peek into Jason's latest venture, "Web Lunch," a platform where he converses with developers who have found harmony between their careers and personal satisfaction. Coding isn't just a job; it's a passion and a lifestyle. Jason highlights the significance of pursuing work that excites and challenges us, echoing the sentiment that coding can be both a career and a hobby. By infusing enjoyment and creativity into our coding endeavors, we can shape our professional trajectories in alignment with our values and interests. This approach not only minimizes regret but also maximizes happiness and fulfillment in our careers. Central to our discussion is the pivotal role of effective leadership in creating a supportive and encouraging work environment. Leaders who prioritize the well-being and happiness of their team members foster a culture of collaboration and empowerment. Through mentorship, guidance, and opportunities for growth, these leaders enable developers to align their personal goals with organizational objectives, leading to increased job satisfaction and professional fulfillment. Adaptability is key to sustained success in software engineering. Jason emphasizes the value of remaining open-minded and continuously learning, even when it means stepping out of our comfort zones. Embracing discomfort is an integral part of personal growth, allowing us to overcome obstacles and unlock our full potential. By nurturing a spirit of curiosity and adaptability, developers can navigate the complexities of their careers with resilience and enthusiasm....

Understanding Vue.js's <Suspense> and Async Components cover image

Understanding Vue.js's <Suspense> and Async Components

In this blog post, we will delve into how and async components work, their benefits, and practical implementation strategies to make your Vue.js applications more efficient and user-friendly...