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What’s New for Astro & TypeScript + “Team Islands” with Elian, Josh, & Chris (Backstage @ CityJS Conf)  cover image

What’s New for Astro & TypeScript + “Team Islands” with Elian, Josh, & Chris (Backstage @ CityJS Conf)

Elian Van Cutsem, Josh Goldberg, and Chris Noring, joined Tracy Lee backstage at CityJS Conf London to talk about what’s new in the Astro, and TypeScript ecosystems. The conversation also touched on the utilization of iterators in JavaScript and their potential to augment web application functionality. The group weighed in on hot topics in web development, like islands, resumability, and the nuanced interplay between TypeScript and iterators were explored, offering profound insights into optimizing code for enhanced user experiences. The discourse also highlighted the paramount importance of collaboration in driving advancements within web development. Despite perceived competition among technologies, the group emphasized the importance of collaboration for propelling innovation. By fostering a collaborative environment where different technologies learn from each other's strengths, address shared challenges, and collectively evolve, the web ecosystem becomes more inclusive and progressive. Furthermore, the podcast episode explored the empowering aspects of the Astro ecosystem, and TypeScript. The group elaborated on the latest updates and advancements in these tools, emphasizing their capacity to empower developers. Astro, renowned for its modern approach to front-end development, alongside the robust capabilities of TypeScript, equips developers with the means to craft scalable, maintainable code and exceptional web experiences....

End-to-end type-safety with JSON Schema cover image

End-to-end type-safety with JSON Schema

The article explores end-to-end type safety in JSON APIs using JSON Schema and TypeScript. It delves into methods such as generating types from schema definitions and utilizing TypeBox, data validation of serialized JSON data....

Why Every Developer Should Try Elm, + Are We Abandoning JavaScript? with Lindsay Wardell cover image

Why Every Developer Should Try Elm, + Are We Abandoning JavaScript? with Lindsay Wardell

Lindsay Wardell, Senior Software Engineer at NoRedInk joins Rob Ocel by covering many of the functional programming advantages afforded by Elm. By immersing themselves in the intricacies of languages like Elm, developers can harness its functional approach to bolster application resilience and minimize errors. Lindsay draws parallels with TypeScript's emphasis on strong typing, and how it empowers developers to detect and rectify errors early on, fostering the creation of more maintainable codebases. A pivotal theme emerging from Lindsay's discussions is the importance of adaptability in choosing which languages a developer focuses their energy on. As technology continues to evolve, developers must embrace versatility to remain competitive. Lindsay and Rob Ocel talk about the potential shifts in front-end development paradigms, beyond the dominance of component-based frameworks like React. This underscores the necessity of keeping an open mind and exploring emerging technologies to stay at the forefront of the industry's evolution. Moreover, Lindsay and Rob accentuate the significance of tools such as Nuxt for facilitating seamless backend integration within frameworks like Vue.js. These integrations streamline the development process, enabling developers to concentrate on crafting robust and scalable applications. Their conversations serve as a testament to the ongoing evolution of programming tools, marked by a trend towards simplification and enhanced development efficiency. Download this episode....

TypeScript Integration with .env Variables cover image

TypeScript Integration with .env Variables

Learn to integrate .env variables with TypeScript effectively. Our guide covers creating an environment.d.ts file, a simple solution for improved type-checking and development clarity in TypeScript projects....

How to configure and optimize a new Serverless Framework project with TypeScript cover image

How to configure and optimize a new Serverless Framework project with TypeScript

Elevate your Serverless Framework project with TypeScript integration. Learn to configure TypeScript, enable offline mode, and optimize deployments to AWS with tips on AWS profiles, function packaging, memory settings, and more....

Testing a Fastify app with the NodeJS test runner cover image

Testing a Fastify app with the NodeJS test runner

ant to simplify your testing process? Our new blog post on Node.js' built-in test runner is a great place to start. Learn how to test Fastify apps, including practical examples for testing an API server and SQL plugins....

Understanding Vue's Reactive Data cover image

Understanding Vue's Reactive Data

A blog post that unravel how Reactivity works in Vue 3...

Angular 17: Continuing the Renaissance cover image

Angular 17: Continuing the Renaissance

Dive into the Angular Renaissance with Angular 17, emphasizing standalone components, enhanced control flow syntax, and a new lazy-loading paradigm. Discover server-side rendering improvements, hydration stability, and support for view transitions....

Functional Programming in TypeScript using the fp-ts Library: Exploring Task and TaskEither Operators cover image

Functional Programming in TypeScript using the fp-ts Library: Exploring Task and TaskEither Operators

Introduction: Welcome back to our blog series on Functional Programming in TypeScript using the fp-ts library. In the previous three blog posts, we covered essential concepts such as the pipe and flow operators, Option type, and various methods and operators like fold, fromNullable, getOrElse, map, flatten, and chain. In this fourth post, we will delve into the powerful Task and TaskEither operators, understanding their significance, and exploring practical examples to showcase their usefulness. Understanding Task and TaskEither: Before we dive into the examples, let's briefly recap what Task and TaskEither are and why they are valuable in functional programming. Task: In functional programming, a Task represents an asynchronous computation that may produce a value or an error. It allows us to work with asynchronous operations in a pure and composable manner. Tasks are lazy and only start executing when we explicitly run them. They can be thought of as a functional alternative to Promises. Now, let's briefly introduce the Either type and its significance in functional programming since this concept, merged with Task gives us the full power of TaskEither. Either: Either is a type that represents a value that can be one of two possibilities: a value of type Left or a value of type Right. Conventionally, the Left type represents an error or failure case, while the Right type represents a successful result. Using Either, we can explicitly handle and propagate errors in a functional and composable way. Example: Handling Division with Either Suppose we have a function divide that performs a division operation. Instead of throwing an error, we can use Either to handle the potential division by zero scenario. Here's an example: ` In this example, the divide function returns an Either type. If the division is successful, it returns a Right value with the result. If the division by zero occurs, it returns a Left value with an error message. We then use the fold function to handle both cases, printing the appropriate message to the console. TaskEither: TaskEither combines the benefits of both Task and Either. It represents an asynchronous computation that may produce a value or an error, just like Task, but also allows us to handle potential errors using the Either type. This enables us to handle errors in a more explicit and controlled manner. Examples: Let's explore some examples to better understand the practical applications of Task and TaskEither operators. Example 1: Fetching Data from an API Suppose we want to fetch data from an API asynchronously. We can use the Task operator to encapsulate the API call and handle the result using the Task's combinators. In the example below, we define a fetchData function that returns a Task representing the API call. We then use the fold function to handle the success and failure cases of the Task. If the Task succeeds, we return a new Task with the fetched data. If it fails, we return a Task with an error message. Finally, we use the getOrElse function to handle the case where the Task returns None. ` Example 2: Performing Computation with Error Handling Let's say we have a function divide that performs a computation and may throw an error. We can use TaskEither to handle the potential error and perform the computation asynchronously. In the example below, we define a divideAsync function that takes two numbers and returns a TaskEither representing the division operation. We use the tryCatch function to catch any potential errors thrown by the divide function. We then use the fold function to handle the success and failure cases of the TaskEither. If the TaskEither succeeds, we return a new TaskEither with the result of the computation. If it fails, we return a TaskEither with an error message. Finally, we use the map function to transform the result of the TaskEither. ` In the first example, we saw how to fetch data from an API using Task and handle the success and failure cases using fold and getOrElse functions. This allows us to handle different scenarios, such as successful data retrieval or error handling when the data is not available. In the second example, we demonstrated how to perform a computation that may throw an error using TaskEither. We used tryCatch to catch potential errors and fold to handle the success and failure cases. This approach provides a more controlled way of handling errors and performing computations asynchronously. Conclusion: In this blog post, we explored the Task and TaskEither operators in the fp-ts library. We learned that Task allows us to work with asynchronous computations in a pure and composable manner, while TaskEither combines the benefits of Task and Either, enabling us to handle potential errors explicitly. By leveraging the concepts we have covered so far, such as pipe, flow, Option, fold, map, flatten, and chain, we can build robust and maintainable functional programs in TypeScript using the fp-ts library. Stay tuned for the next blog post in this series, where we will continue our journey into the world of functional programming....

How to host a full-stack app with AWS CloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk cover image

How to host a full-stack app with AWS CloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk

You have an SPA with a NestJS back-end. What if your app is a hit? You need to be prepared to serve thousands of users? You might need to scale your API horizontally, which means you need to have more instances running behind a load balancer....

Drizzle ORM: A performant and type-safe alternative to Prisma cover image

Drizzle ORM: A performant and type-safe alternative to Prisma

Introduction I’ve written an article about a similar, more well-known TypeScript ORM named Prisma in the past. While it is a fantastic library that I’ve used and have had success with personally, I noted a couple things in particular that I didn’t love about it. Specifically, how it handles relations with add-on queries and also its bulk that can slow down requests in Lambda and other similar serverless environments. Because of these reasons, I took notice of a newer player in the TypeScript ORM space named Drizzle pretty quickly. The first thing that I noticed about Drizzle and really liked is that even though they call it an ‘ORM’ it’s more of a type-safe query builder. It reminds me of a JS query builder library called ‘Knex’ that I used to use years ago. It also feels like the non-futuristic version of EdgeDB which is another technology that I’m pretty excited about, but committing to it still feels like a gamble at this stage in its development. In contrast to Prisma, Drizzle is a ‘thin TypeScript layer on top of SQL’. This by default should make it a better candidate for Lambda’s and other Serverless environments. It could also be a hard sell to Prisma regulars that are living their best life using the incredibly developer-friendly TypeScript API’s that it generates from their schema.prisma files. Fret not, despite its query-builder roots, Drizzle has some tricks up its sleeve. Let’s compare a common query example where we fetch a list of posts and all of it’s comments from the Drizzle docs: ` Sweet, it’s literally the same thing. Maybe not that hard of a sale after all. You will certainly find some differences in their APIs, but they are both well-designed and developer friendly in my opinion. The schema Similar to Prisma, you define a schema for your database in Drizzle. That’s pretty much where the similarities end. In Drizzle, you define your schema in TypeScript files. Instead of generating an API based off of this schema, Drizzle just infers the types for you, and uses them with their TypeScript API to give you all of the nice type completions and things we’re used to in TypeScript land. Here’s an example from the docs: ` I’ll admit, this feels a bit clunky compared to a Prisma schema definition. The trade-off for a lightweight TypeScript API to work with your database can be worth the up-front investment though. Migrations Migrations are an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to managing our applications databases. Database schemas change throughout the lifetime of an application, and the steps to accomplish these changes is a non-trivial problem. Prisma and other popular ORMs offer a CLI tool to manage and automate your migrations, and Drizzle is no different. After creating new migrations, all that is left to do is run them. Drizzle gives you the flexibility to run your migrations in any way you choose. The simplest of the bunch and the one that is recommended for development and prototyping is the drizzle-kit push command that is similar to the prisma db push command if you are familiar with it. You also have the option of running the .sql files directly or using the Drizzle API's migrate function to run them in your application code. Drizzle Kit is a companion CLI tool for managing migrations. Creating your migrations with drizzle-kit is as simple as updating your Drizzle schema. After making some changes to your schema, you run the drizzle-kit generate command and it will generate a migration in the form of a .sql file filled with the needed SQL commands to migrate your database from point a → point b. Performance When it comes to your database, performance is always an extremely important consideration. In my opinion this is the category that really sets Drizzle apart from similar competitors. SQL Focused Tools like Prisma have made sacrifices and trade-offs in their APIs in an attempt to be as database agnostic as possible. Drizzle gives itself an advantage by staying focused on similar SQL dialects. Serverless Environments Serverless environments are where you can expect the most impactful performance gains using Drizzle compared to Prisma. Prisma happens to have a lot of content that you can find on this topic specifically, but the problem stems from cold starts in certain serverless environments like AWS Lambda. With Drizzle being such a lightweight solution, the time required to load and execute a serverless function or Lambda will be much quicker than Prisma. Benchmarks You can find quite a few different open-sourced benchmarks of common database drivers and ORMs in JavaScript land. Drizzle maintains their own benchmarks on GitHub. You should always do your own due diligence when it comes to benchmarks and also consider the inputs and context. In Drizzle's own benchmarks, it’s orders of magnitudes faster when compared to Prisma or TypeORM, and it’s not far off from the performance you would achieve using the database drivers directly. This would make sense considering the API adds almost no overhead, and if you really want to achieve driver level performance, you can utilize the prepared statements API. Prepared Statements The prepared statements API in Drizzle allows you to pre-generate raw queries that get sent directly to the underlying database driver. This can have a very significant impact on performance, especially when it comes to larger, more complex queries. Prepared statements can also provide huge performance gains when used in serverless environments because they can be cached and reused. JOINs I mentioned at the beginning of this article that one of the things that bothered me about Prisma is the fact that fetching relations on queries generates additional sub queries instead of utilizing JOINs. SQL databases are relational, so using JOINs to include data from another table in your query is a core and fundamental part of how the technology is supposed to work. The Drizzle API has methods for every type of JOIN statement. Properly using JOINs instead of running a bunch of additional queries is an important way to get better performance out of your queries. This is a huge selling point of Drizzle for me personally. Other bells and whistles Drizzle Studio UIs for managing the contents of your database are all the rage these days. You’ve got Prisma Studio and EdgeDB UI to name a couple. It's no surprise that these are so popular. They provide a lot of value by letting you work with your database visually. Drizzle also offers Drizzle Studio and it’s pretty similar to Prisma Studio. Other notable features - Raw Queries - The ‘magic’ sql operator is available to write raw queries using template strings. - Transactions - Transactions are a very common and important feature in just about any database tools. It’s commonly used for seeding or if you need to write some other sort of manual migration script. - Schemas - Schemas are a feature specifically for Postgres and MySQL database dialects - Views -Views allow you to encapsulate the details of the structure of your tables, which might change as your application evolves, behind consistent interfaces. - Logging - There are some logging utilities included useful for debugging, benchmarking, and viewing generated queries. - Introspection - There are APIs for introspecting your database and tables - Zod schema generation - This feature is available in a companion package called drizzle-zod that will generate Zod schema’s based on your Drizzle tables Seeding At the time of this writing, I’m not aware of Drizzle offering any tools or specific advice on seeding your database. I assume this is because of how straightforward it is to handle this on your own. If I was building a new application I would probably provide a simple seed script in JS or TS and use a runtime like node to execute it. After that, you can easily add a command to your package.json and work it into your CI/CD setup or anything else. Conclusion Drizzle ORM is a performant and type-safe alternative to Prisma. While Prisma is a fantastic library, Drizzle offers some advantages such as a lightweight TypeScript API, a focus on SQL dialects, and the ability to use JOINs instead of generating additional sub queries. Drizzle also offers Drizzle Studio for managing the contents of your database visually, as well as other notable features such as raw queries, transactions, schemas, views, logging, introspection, and Zod schema generation. While Drizzle may require a bit more up-front investment in defining your schema, it can be worth it for the performance gains, especially in serverless environments....

Functional Programming in TypeScript Using the fp-ts Library: Deep Dive Into Option's Methods and Other Useful fp-ts Operators cover image

Functional Programming in TypeScript Using the fp-ts Library: Deep Dive Into Option's Methods and Other Useful fp-ts Operators

Welcome back to our blog series on functional programming with fp-ts! In our previous posts, we talked about the building block of fp-ts library: Pipe and Flow operators and we introduced one of the most useful types in the library: Option type. Let's start to use our knowledge and combine all the blocks: in this blog post, we'll take a deep dive into fp-ts' Option type, and explore its fundamental methods such as fold, fromNullable, and getOrElse. We'll then leverage the map, flatten, and chain operators, combining them with our powerful (and already known) operator to compose expressive and concise code. Understanding Option The Option type, also known as Maybe, represents values that might be absent. It is particularly useful for handling scenarios where a value could be missing, eliminating the need for explicit null checks. fp-ts equips us with a rich set of methods and operators to work with Option efficiently. *fold*: The fold method allows us to transform an Option value into a different type by providing two functions: one for the None case, and another for the Some case. The pipe operator enhances the readability of the code by enabling a fluent and concise syntax. ` In this example, we have an Option value some(10), representing the presence of the number 10. We use the pipe operator from fp-ts to chain the value through the fold function, passing in two functions. The first function, () => 'No value', handles the None case when the Option is empty. The second function, (x: number) => Value is ${x}, handles the Some case and receives the value inside the Option (in this case, 10). The resulting value is "Value is 10". *fromNullable*: The fromNullable function converts nullable values (e.g., null or undefined) into an Option. We can leverage pipe to make the code more readable and maintainable. ` In the example, we have a string value 'Hello, world!', which is not nullable. However, by using the pipe operator and passing the value through fromNullable, fp-ts internally checks if the value is null or undefined. If it is, it produces a None value, indicating the absence of a value. Otherwise, it wraps the value inside Some. So, in this case, the resulting optionValue is Some("Hello, world!"). *getOrElse*: The getOrElse method allows us to extract the value from an Option or provide a default value if the Option is None. Pipe operator aids in composing the getOrElse function with other operations seamlessly. ` In the first example, we have an Option value some(10). Using the pipe operator, and passing the Option through getOrElse, we provide a function () => 0 as a default value. Since the Option is Some(10), the function is not executed, and the resulting value is 10. In the second example, we have an Option value none, representing the absence of a value. Again, using the pipe operator and getOrElse, we provide a default value of 0. Since the Option is None, the function () => 0 is executed, resulting in the default value of 0. Map, Flatten, and Chain Operators Building upon the foundational methods of Option, fp-ts provides powerful operators like map, flatten, and chain, which enable developers to compose complex operations in a functional and expressive manner. *map*: The map operator allows us to transform the value inside an Option using a provided function. It applies the function only if the Option is Some. ` In this example, we have an Option value some(10). Using the pipe operator and passing the Option through map, we provide a function (x: number) => Value is ${x}. Since the Option is Some(10), the function is applied to the value inside the Option, resulting in a new Option Some("Value is 10"). *flatten*: The flatten operator allows us to flatten nested Options into a single Option. It simplifies the resulting structure when we have computations that may produce an Option inside another Option. The pipe operator assists in composing flatten operations seamlessly. ` In the example, we have a nested Option some(some(10)). Using the pipe operator and passing the nested Option through flatten, fp-ts flattens the structure, resulting in a single Option Some(10). *chain*: The chain operator, also known as flatMap or >>=, combines the functionalities of map and flatten. It allows us to apply a function that produces an Option to the value inside an Option, resulting in a flattened Option. ` In the first example, we have an Option value some(42). Using the pipe operator and passing the Option through chain, we provide a function that checks if the value is greater than 10. If it is, it returns Some(Value is ${x}), where x is the value inside the Option. Since the value is 42, which is greater than 10, the resulting Option is Some("Value is 42"). In the second example, we have an Option value none, representing the absence of a value. When passing it through chain with the same function as before, the function is not executed because the Option is None, resulting in None. Conclusion fp-ts provides powerful methods and operators for working with the Option type, allowing developers to embrace functional programming principles effectively. By understanding the fold, fromNullable, and getOrElse methods, as well as the map, flatten, and chain operators, and combining them with the pipe operator, developers can write expressive, maintainable, and resilient code. Explore these tools, unlock their potential, and take your functional programming skills to the next level!...