Are you using GraphQL? Join us in this 1 day conference on August 14, 2020 from 9am - 5pm PDT focused on GraphQL in the Enterprise.
Featuring some of GraphQL’s best speakers and developers on panels and sharing real world experiences on GraphQL implementation, this event is the first GraphQL event focused on problems real companies face during adoption!
This event is hosted by PayPal, Braintree, and This Dot.
Check out the schedule below (PDT):
9:00am - 9:30am - *Keynote Panel *
9:0045am - 10:15am - "Lessons from the Trenches : a retrospective on our first public GraphQL API", Rahul Dighe
1030am - 1100am - “Building a GraphQL Platform ”, Sam Parsons & Kyle DeTella
11:15am - 11:45am - “GraphQL Security”, Joey Nenni
11:45am - 1:00pm - Lunch break
1:00pm - 1:45pm - *Community Panel *
2:00pm - 2:30pm - “Building a faster Checkout experience w/ GraphQL at PayPal”, Vishakha Singh
2:45pm - 3:15pm - "Persisted GraphQL", Brian Douglas
3:30pm - 4:00pm - "Data federation with GraphQL for the enterprise", Allison Kunz
415pm - 5:00pm - “Pushing your React + GraphQL Testing Further”, Sergey Mykhailenko