Analyze Current Performance
Given your established performance goals, we utilize techniques suited to understanding your bottlenecks, including performance insights analysis tests, code analysis, and infrastructure analysis assess facets of your site's performance. Each technique gives us a different perspective on your unique performance profile and how to best improve performance. In some detail:
- Performance Insights Analysis Tests identify how your website’s core vital metrics are performing and gives clues to where improvements can be made. This includes testing page loads under a variety of conditions such as location, network, or devices.
- Code Analysis utilizes our expertise in web development to identify code architecture decisions that help to improve your site’s performance such as image compression techniques or data fetching optimizations. This analysis is to specifically find common issues that negatively affects web core vitals.
- Infrastructure Analysis seeks to understand how you’re serving content to your end users. Are your Content Delivery Networks properly configured? Could content be compressed better before sending it over the network? Is the latency in your Virtual Private Cloud adequately low?
We use a variety of tools and techniques to analyze your current performance, including site speed tests, user experience analysis, and real user monitoring. This allows us to identify any bottlenecks or issues that may be impacting your performance.
- Depending on your specific performance goals, we’ll perform a custom set of the above tests.
- Correspondence clarifying decisions to help understand decisions or limitations that lead to certain implementations.
- Performance analysis summary detailing the analysis performed and our findings.
- Includes personalized recommendations for making improvements to your website.